Monday, January 7, 2008

Don’t Just Satisfy Your Customers, Delight Them!

There are key ways you can tell if you are meeting (and exceeding) your customer’s needs. To find out how you’re doing, ask. Are you(r):

1. Retaining your existing base of contracts?
2. Enhancements being approved?
3. Contracts being renewed, with reasonable increases?
4. Referrals given freely?
5. Projects worthy of being used for references or testimonials?
6. Avoiding client proclaimed “fire drills” that cost a fortune to fix?

You can achieve all of the above if your service is consistently delivered, plus one. I have spent the last 30 years spending 20 to 25 percent of my time doing what most folks might call quality assurance or more what I call: making sure that the organization delivers quality, plus one all the time, every time.